29/03/2025 - 30/03/2025
11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Join Gabrielle Bassett from Welcome to Northumberland  in an exciting workshop where participants will make their own special gift for a special person. Tailored for young children 3+

This is a free drop in session that is included in your admission price

Where: Follow the signs through the gift shop which is the last area on your State Room tour

When: 29th and 30th March only

Please note all children must be supervised by a parent or legal guardian.

Gabrielle can work with up to 6 children at a time so you may be asked to wait to participate or to come back later in the day.

Admission Tickets to Bamburgh Castle must be purchased to be able to take part in the craft workshop. To book your admission tickets, please click the ‘Book Now’ link below.

Bamburgh Castle reserve the right to cancel or reschedule this event.

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