Saxon doctor Alfgred, spooky craft making and blood-curdling screams from Uhtred’s Warrior School recruits. Have an exciting time at Bamburgh Castle this Halloween…
There’s a (gruesome) doctor in the house at Bamburgh Castle this Halloween – and her treatments aren’t for the faint hearted…
As the scariest time of year arrives, enter Bamburgh Castle’s dungeon if you dare, for Saxon doctor Alfgred will be in residence with a bedside manner that could be described as somewhat brutal.
If you’re squeamish, look away as our Saxon physician attends to battle-wounded patients with treatments that existed centuries before painkilling drugs, sedatives and anaesthetic were invented.
Bamburgh Castle visitor services manager Karen Larkin said: “The Saxons had to contend with pretty horrible diseases as well as grisly injuries sustained on the battle field during wars and feuds. Just like us, they would see a doctor or surgeon but how they were treated was very difficult – as you’ll find out with Doctor Alfgred.
“There will be blood, guts and we can guarantee gore. Alfgred is quite brutal and her bedside manner could be described as brusque at best, so be prepared,” said Karen.
You can see Alfgred in action in her Operating Theatre inside the Castle’s dungeon from Monday October 30 to Thursday November 2. Entry is free with general admission tickets.
The Castle will be echoing with the sound of blood-curdling screams as want-to-be Warriors are put through their paces when Uhtred’s School of Warriors returns for the half term holidays with Ragnar the Viking on Sunday October 29 , Wednesday November 1 and Sunday November 5.
Budding warriors can find out who has the most chilling scream, ward off Halloween evil with their Viking sword and take part in special Halloween challenges.
Get witch-crafty with fun Halloween hands-on activities from Sunday November 29 to Thursday November 2 with kids’ activities included with general admission.
And if Halloween cute is more your thing, don’t miss the chance to meet mini pony Marley will be trick or treating in the Castle grounds saying hello to guys and ghouls on Monday October 30.
Visit our What’s On page for more information about Halloween Events at Bamburgh Castle.